syn·er·gism (sĭn’ər-jĭz’əm)
2. Christianity. The doctrine that individual salvation is achieved through a combination of human will and divine grace.&nevermindtheworldweveknown"Adrianne" by my good friends, Wonderful
How to reject the Almighty
A good friend of mine said that if he died, still unconvinced of Christ's position as humanity's savior, and was judged as a non-believer to be cast into hell, he would be ok with such a fate. Because to him, he wouldn't want to spend eternity with a being that damned some and accepted others based on their decision to choose the Christian story over others. On the other hand, he would delight in joining a God that loved all despite their faith ...
Hope must break you
I felt something leading worship this week. It had been awhile, too long. It wasn't out of a specific revelation or lyric or what have you--I can't say why. The feeling faded, as elation tends to do, and then mere hours later I was back home, curled on the floor railing against God for yet another glimpse and another cloud. I used to despise the cloud, but now I wonder if the one who occasionally lets light in is the one I hate most.&pleas...
Me vs. the Quotes
Why is it that so many of us create art, and yet have such timidity naming ourselves artists or creative?I attended an artist's potluck at Mars Hill Grad. School, and as expected, we went around the room to introduce ourselves and explain what had brought us out. At least a handful confessed that they were not artists but liked to dabble in this or that. I believe it came from a heart of genuine humility as well as social pressure which compel...
dil·et·tante (dĭl’ĭ-tänt’, dĭl’ĭ-tänt’, -tän’tē, -tănt’, -tăn’tē)
def. a person who takes up an art, activity, or subject merely for amusement, esp. in a desultory or superficial way; dabbler.&thereisnothingicandowiththisdesire"I Have Forgiven Jesus" by Morrissey
And about those nails
If you've seen Scorsese's "The Last Temptation of Christ" you have no trouble recalling the surreal scene in which the angel tells Jesus that God is pleased with him, and he doesn't have to go through with the early death. She pulls the nails out and they leave behind the cross and mayhem, unnoticed. It is stunning. Now I am not wondering if the Gospels tell the account of Christ's death incorrectly, and that perhaps Christ married and lived to ...
Bilious pretense
I am still not convinced of the purpose of my faith. I believe maturity is near the top of God's hopes for me; of course, revelation of such a path is rarely enjoyable. I realized this past week that I am still a very immature and selfish little man. There I was, rounding another bend only to find myself in a dismal valley. And a familiar valley at that. I still love in a pretentious and utilitarian manner which brings to question: why do I work ...
I ate my church
Perhaps it is good timing as I am over-committed at school and beginning to dream up this Urban Hymnal, but sadly, my joy in leading worship has waned greatly in the past few months. I am very grateful to have had a place to serve with my gifts and to learn what it is to lead a team and congregation, I am also frustrated and disillusioned by the consumption that I have witnessed, engaged and fostered. There is an overwhelming assumption that if ...
“Ohh…. I like all kinds of music.”
I've wondered how music preference influences one's engagement/enjoyment of worship? I would argue that in our vastly splintered and music savvy community, one's musical tastes are more significant factors--with regard to finding a church body--than a pastor's teaching style. On the other hand, I can't name a single friend who attends a church because the worship is wonderful and the pastor stinks. I have most certainly witnessed the opposite....
phil·is·tine (fĭl’ĭ-stēn’, fĭ-lĭs’tĭn, -tēn’)
def. A smug, ignorant, especially middle-class person who is regarded as being indifferent or antagonistic to artistic and cultural values.I like words; this definition made me laugh. Use sparingly, perhaps on browbeating giants.&this:"The Light", by The Album Leaf