Nashville you’re much too safe.
Posted on 1 May 2012
My dear friend is a music director at a church here in the greater Seattle area. I asked him how he finds new music of the sacred/church variety and how he learns of concerts that may interest him. His answer was nuanced and difficult to enunciate as one would expect. He did, however, send me this gem as an example of the marketing noise I have to compete with as I hope to communicate The Opiate Mass to people such as himself. It is one of many unsolicited, faux-personal emails from Nashville promoters he receives in the inbox. He has never engaged with this person. I’m a few hundred exclamation points from making an impact.
Hello again!
Great speaking to you briefly earlier! I just wanted to check in and give you a few updates of artists that are slated to be up in Washington over the next few months. I’d love to work with you on something! So whether one of these seems like a good fit or if you have something else in mind, I’d love to hear from you!
Silverline ( – I have Silverline in your area and available on August 7th. They are also bringing along Loftland to open. So you get an awesome package with this one!
Phil Stacey ( – Converge’s newest signing Phil Stacey (American Idol) is going to be in your area and we have a date to fill on August 24th. I’d love to get him out to you!
Sixteen Cities ( – Sixteen Cities is going to be spending much of their fall on the west coast and it looks like we’ll hit Washington the first week of October.
Luke Dowler ( – Have you had a chance to check out Luke’s latest video? If not you need to quickly jump onto his website and check it out. It’s the first step in a powerful campaign to help end slavery, Check it out! I’d love to get him over to you live as well, best times would probably be September 14-16 (band) or anytime surrounding November 11 (solo).
Andy Cherry ( – At this point I have no direct plans to have Andy up in Washington, but I’d love to make some! Andy is an incredible artist and worship leader! Hopefully you already got my newsletter talking about him already, but we are really excited about his new album and I’d love to get him up there!
Hopefully these updates are helpful to you! Looking forward to finding something that makes sense!
Andrew Jones
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