When civil rights are uncool.
Posted on 4 Nov 2009
I like to think that if I were a youth in the 50s and 60s, I would have marched with Dr. King in Washington, or cheered on those first black students who broke the color barrier in Mobile, voted for politicians who campaigned against segregation, or had class like Peter Norman, but I forget that there were many popular and powerful forces pushing against the movement and most white folks were apathetic; I too would have sat on the sidelines and went about my day. Thirty years from now, I would like to say that although I was straight, I stood beside those who were not as they forged difficult ground towards civil rights. Today, I voted for domestic partner rights, I’m sure that isn’t enough.
13 Feb 2010 (12:25)
There are 2 completely unrelated issues here although certain circles like to entertain that thought. Both have been pushed to unnatural and antagonistic heights and the latter is of a realm berift of morality and reason. Constant failure is not sorrow but a lesson in natural law if we but listen.