Watchmen (2/5)

Posted on 15 Mar 2009

The plot seems to come together quite hastily in the last scenes, but upon further thought, Snyder competently wove the numerous origin stories with evil nuclear blond guy plot. And I think I mostly understood why the bad guys and good guys did what they did. If you put enough chromatic trash on the screen your audience will forgive your gaping plot holes–I have a feeling there were at least a few. At least one star for the opening credits. Minus points for a half dozen shitly laughable soundtrack choices and the omnipresent blue dong (somewhere there is an animator who has that fine swinging work on their CV). I’m always encouraged whenever Hollywood lets a man take off his trousers, but when and why our Dr. let Vanity Smurf out is right curious; as was his excursion to Mars for some giant Swiss watch craft time, which is all destroyed later on by our stuck-trying-to-act-her-way-out-of-paperbag heroine. Ugh. She teaches him the meaning of life in that moment if I recall–which he casually discards a day later. And I get that Dr. Manhattan can do anything he hell wants, so what were the others’ super powers and who cares? Like Superman hanging out with his utility-belt wielding Superfriends; a limp courtesy that just degrades everyone involved (wasn’t there an ass-face talking dog prancing about in a cape too? I digress). If this contrast was the salient point of the novel/film it was buried under a lot of “300” editing glam. This film was for comic junkies, of which, I am neither a schooled nor fawning member.

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