Tyson (3/5)
Posted on 18 Oct 2009
Tyson is a very conflicted person as one would suspect. His bi-polar nature is impossible to miss–he hates women, himself, boxing, money, and then two moments later he swears he can’t live without them. I think I pity him more than anything. This film is 90% interview with the aging boxer, and makes great use of clever editing and camera work to keep it visually interesting. It is refreshing–as I seem to often point out–when a star such as this is willing to speak honestly about his shortcomings, his venereal diseases, his opinion of others (King and Washington are given very choice words), and how he performed fellatio on a woman (sic). Finishing school is for Nashville recording artists (my words). He’ll eat your children (his words). Like Chaplin, this film gave clear evidence that the gifted can often become obsessive, and lose sight of life’s priorities. Or, is it the obsessive who are compelled to master a craft, receive loads of attention and get the gifted treatment.
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