The hour of my salvation.
Posted on 25 Apr 2007
I was at The Round on Monday and an old friend, Noah, was performing. I’ve noticed something different about him in this past year. I can’t be certain but he seems to have that oh so odd and desirable peace of mind; he has found rest in his faith I believe (as Keith Green once put it). One of his songs was this jubilant, nearly awkward piece that climaxed with the declaration: “this is the hour of my salvation.” Another love song chimed, “Julie, Julie, meet me at your doorway.” They were refreshingly simple and yet finespun songs of beauty and acceptance. The audience and I were quite charmed. It was delightful. I’d like to know this rest and acceptance. It has been some time since I’ve asked God for such things; perhaps I’ll re-familiarize myself with yet more dangerous longings such as these.
“Nicole’s Sunglasses“
25 Apr 2007 (19:30)
you’re right- it is dangerous to ask for simply love. To sing Sans the tragic complications on love and on life and on God can appear to be awful sentimentality. And yet, you were drawn to it. To believe and rest in the simple assurance that God can make beauty out of ugly things…can, well…make life a bit less controlable and a lot more desireable.
26 Apr 2007 (16:12)
It does seem pretty cool that in this case, art that simply expressed joy really ‘worked’–that people were genuinely touched even without lots of acknowledgement of all the darkness. The key may well be ‘genuineness’ (not sure if that’s a word)–whatever truly comes from the heart, and isn’t contrived, has artistic value.
And yes, always good to keep hoping. Not always comfortable, though.
26 Apr 2007 (18:59)
it sounds like a lovely concert, i love the way you’ve described it.
1 May 2007 (20:43)
We’re quickly becoming a people addicted to authenticity. Well, perhaps addiction is a tad far but we can spot frauds out and destroy them with ease these days–now may we go use these powers for good.