The Company Men (DNF)

Posted on 12 Jul 2011

Rich, corporate guys feel the economic squeeze and stick knives into each others’ backs and make it really hard for anyone to finish watching because doing whatever it takes to make the stock go up is not good film.

2 Replies to "The Company Men (DNF)"

  • rebecca
    12 Jul 2011 (11:23)

    i’m really impressed with your ability to not finish a film. i think i’ve only walked away from a movie like twice in my whole life. for some reason, even if it’s awful, i feel i owe it to someone (who?) to finish it. i often regret it. i have something to learn from you, i think.

  • Zadok
    13 Jul 2011 (12:45)

    such is the result of the Netflix lifestyle; it costs nothing to start a film you probably don’t want to watch.

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