“Ohh…. I like all kinds of music.”
Posted on 22 Jan 2007
I’ve wondered how music preference influences one’s engagement/enjoyment of worship? I would argue that in our vastly splintered and music savvy community, one’s musical tastes are more significant factors–with regard to finding a church body–than a pastor’s teaching style. On the other hand, I can’t name a single friend who attends a church because the worship is wonderful and the pastor stinks. I have most certainly witnessed the opposite.
no, I do not claim to like all kinds of music. I do like them Nords
25 Jan 2007 (22:35)
hey Zadok..
yeah, good thought. Aesthetic appeal and perception of authenticity trumps inclusion and appreciation every time.
Maybe shifting aesthetics in a service to gain participation is a dead end. I had another idea recently. I’ve been doing improv songwriting for about 14 years and the strength of the bonds of friendship my friends and i have gained/experienced in that setting have found no parallel. It would seem like an interesting endeavor to create an environment where improv is a skill and all arts are included in the mix.
We’re gonna try that on February 17th. You should come. We’ll see how it works together
(old singer of Twin Sister)
29 Jan 2007 (17:35)
Todd! wow, what a pleasant surprise to find you here. Has been far too long. Improv eh? I am already a registered hack at the guitar, so any improv coming from me would be in the vocal category, which is also rather hacked. And 8 Mile officially put my freestyling to bed so I’d probably just do some creepy Enya garb.