Let The Right One In (4/5)

Posted on 12 Feb 2009

The subtle revelations of the vampire work perfectly. Creepy, Norsk, dark, bully-gets-it-in-the-end like you’ve never seen. I’d love to travel Europe with my vampire-girlfriend in a box–well, until I hit 28 and she’s still 14 or whatever age limit they permit there in the Caucasus.

Chad offered me up these thoughts:

Having watched Let the Right One In again I have to say it’s even sadder than I initially thought. It seems very obvious that the boy traveling with the girl at the end will end sadly. He will eventually outgrow puberty and outgrow her. Her vampireism is a metaphor for permanent adolescence, in permanent need of help by those who walk during the day. If a child eventually outgrows his bullies the vampire can never outgrow its station except by death. Also, having talked to someone who read the book the vampire girl is supposed to be a boy who was castrated, which is mentioned in the movie.

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