Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga’Hoole (3/5)

Posted on 10 May 2011

For a battle-owl-fantasy-allegory it sure was predictable. Stunning sets and animation, compelling adventure and action scenes, and a title so horrible that I had to cut & paste it from IMDB. I don’t care who they were trying to stay true to, even M. Night had the owl pellets to drop the essential “Avatar” from his train wreck. And not that this film bombed, but if they had made this a gory and violent, adult-themed war film and pegged the PG-13 rating, I bet they would have made just as much money and broken fascinating new ground. Where are all the Watership Down disciples anyway. The awful Owl City music video/eponymous-tie-in in the middle act dropped any deserved couture like an anvil.

2 Replies to "Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga'Hoole (3/5)"

  • Kj Swanson
    10 May 2011 (14:36)

    i like to call this, “The Magic owls of Galooly Movie”. My review was that it was the greatest animated owl-battle movie ever. Also the only one. Also, why does it exist?

  • Zadok
    10 May 2011 (14:40)

    Why does anything exist Kj. You ask the hard questions; you get in trouble.

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