Joy Ride (2/5)

Posted on 26 Mar 2009

I can’t remember this film; I saw it on Saturday I believe, and I was bored, lying on my bed sideways, blinds shut. Oh ya, it is like a Disney-produced Hitcher, with a little Duel and some Short Circuit–especially that bit in the desert with robots.

1 Reply to "Joy Ride (2/5)"

  • Anonymous
    27 Mar 2009 (13:02)

    John Dahl, who made two great neo-noirs in the 90’s (Red Rock West and The Last Seduction) and one movie that although a failure I found very interesting (Unforgettable) directed this movie. It’s only really interesting aspect of Joy Ride is on the DVD where there are 3 alternate endings. One of which is an entire new 3rd act running 30 minutes long! Crazy fighting with the studio I guess.

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