God the idealist.

Posted on 2 May 2008

Finally saw Ridley Scott’s ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ last night; an interesting story/concept that projected blandly on the screen. I hear the Director’s Cut is a far better film and I may just carve out 3 hours for it someday. And I’ve concluded that Orlando Bloom is not a leading man–neither Scott, Peterson nor Crowe could suck enough gravitas out of him.

The most profound moment in the film was as the Christians were burying their dead during the siege. To avoid the spread of disease within the city walls they were forced to burn a mass grave, which the priest warned against as it would delay their bodily resurrection until the final judgment (rather obscure theology there I think). The protagonist’s response: “God will understand, my lord. And if he doesn’t, then he is not God and we need not worry.” Wow, what does that even mean. I like it no matter. A fine way of correcting someone’s perverse view of God I suppose.

Somehow this seemed related to something I’ve been wondering lately: is God an idealist? I don’t even know what that means either.

1 Reply to "God the idealist."

  • Amber
    5 May 2008 (08:21)

    I think (s)he’s too omniscient for idealism. . .

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