Eagle Eye (2/5)
Posted on 27 Mar 2009
You have your protagonists running about and doing all sorts of wild stunts and apparently figuring something out, but when the final plot point hits you’re left rather disappointed and wishing everyone just stayed in bed that day and saved us all millions of dollars hassle. It reminded me a bit of I, Robot. That story, if you actually pay attention is a total waste of time: Will Smith is put on this wild Sherlockian mystery caper, which effectively leads him to discover the robot plot about 2 minutes before it actually happens. In other words, a lot of action and plotting for no actual benefit (lots of perceived benefit mind you). Eagle Eye has nearly equal vacuous effort. And, I’ve never reared a child, but when the heroine was willing to assassinate the entire Executive Branch to save her one kid, I got a bit distracted.
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