Despicable Me (DNS)

Posted on 15 May 2011

I do enjoy most of Carrell’s work, but I get distracted by popular actors doing voice for animated films, especially when they have a particularly strong or unique voice and an active face. And, the movie is called “Despicable Me” and that is annoying and repelling.

2 Replies to "Despicable Me (DNS)"

  • Patio
    16 May 2011 (12:30)

    This category of review (DNS) is as delicious to me as when the Sea Times has to give a movie “(no stars).” It’s like they wanted be sure the reader understands that it was not a case of them just not rating movies by stars. They indeed considered stars and arrived at 0. I love that you could even be bothered to push play.

    However, I actually saw this with Tyler and was very surprised to be completely moved. I would apply 3.5 or 4/5 staries. The emotional connection achieved with the characters, and the main dude’s conversion, overcame the stupid yellow small guys and contrived start studded voice casting. I really liked it.

  • Zadok
    16 May 2011 (12:36)

    Well then, there it is, this goes in the queue Patio. And yes, the reasons why I do not see a film are sometimes fascinating to play with, is it the marketing, actors, genre, popularity. Same goes for music–I really should be a huge Arcade Fire fan but I’ve never given them a chance for some reason or another.

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