Chaplin (4/5)

Posted on 18 Oct 2009

It is quite difficult to fairly rate a bio-pic as you must differentiate between the quality of the story-telling and the quality of the historical figure. Chaplin was a womanizer, married often and married young, was neurotically committed to his craft and was tragically haunted by Hoover’s FBI to the point of being exiled from the States when he shipped off to holiday in England. Being a great artist is not enough. I often forget this as I pursue my own artistic goals; sadly mistreating those whom I love most. My priorities have been skewed for most of my adult life and I have paid dearly for it, leaving a wake of dysfunction. Sad. This film reminded me of such reality… I’m also really annoyed that Downey lost Best Actor to Pacino in Scent Of A Woman. A make-up Oscar if there ever was one.

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