Black Swan (3/5)

Posted on 4 Jan 2011

This is on par with Aronofsky’s other works–he again trolls the depths of a destructive, compulsive, individual–but he craftily tempers the creeps with the beauty and keeps you wondering as all the lead characters avoid the obvious arcs and resolutions. Resolution is perhaps too strong a word. I continue to process the complicated and remarkable manner in which the dancer and director used one another to reach their own creative and perfect ends.

2 Replies to "Black Swan (3/5)"

  • Sarahbro
    5 Jan 2011 (07:00)

    So, this review sounds more like a 4 or 5 star; what kept you at 3?

  • Zadok
    5 Jan 2011 (08:33)

    Probably my distaste for the director and the general bleak nature of the film. And, I have mixed feelings towards films about artistically compulsive people as it points a light back on my own compulsion.

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