Always take the express baby, always.
Posted on 8 Apr 2008
My housemate and I shared a bus ride to work this morning. We chatted up the idea that a decline in our economic power, the bankruptcy of Social Security, and high housing and energy costs among other things would actually improve our standard of living, for such circumstances require us to live close to one another, consume less, carpool, walk to the market and church, know the first names of those who share the mailbox post. These are all pleasant things, but often avoided when our modern conveniences allow us the freedom to do and shop and live in hundred square mile spaces–noble ideals indeed. And then, not half a moment later, as we sped by all the non-express stops on the 5 route, I pointed with mocking glee–see how sweet the express is Carl! We don’t have to stop and pick up all those assholes!
I can be a silly man sometimes, good silly.
9 Apr 2008 (12:47)
those assholes….can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em.