Observe And Report (1/5)

Posted on 8 Oct 2009

A delusional, inept, bi-polar, goober mall cop drinks free coffee, beats up skaters, date-rapes the cosmetic girl, tries out for the police force, and screams “fuck” at every person on screen. If there was supposed to be a subversive, counter-cultural critique, I totally missed it. Don’t let anyone tell you this is on par with Taxi Driver, much closer to The Cable Guy meets Waterboy. Seth Rogen is not a fascinating sociopath, just a brutal ass who knocks down everything in his path. As a dark comedy it failed to have many laughs or compose any engrossing tragedy. No more than three kind moments in the entire 90 minutes. A dozen great cinematographic choices and two great stunts (the car driving through the mall, and Rogen taking on a whole squad with his flashlight) only added to the disappointment. Explain yourself Chad–best picture of the year?

2 Replies to "Observe And Report (1/5)"

  • Chad
    8 Oct 2009 (21:05)

    May I point you to your own ‘Role Models’ review and say that this movie is a culmination of “Ha-ha, funny manchild” taken to its most logical, frightening extreme.

    Like I said, it’s not for everyone.

    • Zadok
      9 Oct 2009 (03:01)

      Hmm, I will concede your point. I just wish it was a bit more enjoyable and entertaining I suppose. Maybe you would like ‘Funny Games’ after all.

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