Scent Of A Woman (2/5)

Posted on 19 Sep 2009

Pacino can really wear me out; two hours of yelling and the evermore obnoxious “whoo-aa” suck it. If O’Donnell weren’t there to provide some Oregon-bred ease then this film would be a lance in the earhole. The tango scene wasn’t nearly as spectacular as I remember; the love interest in the second to last scene was insulting–I was plenty convinced that Pacino decided to embrace life when he played with his niece and nephew in the driveway, not when some professor ran out to flirt with him. My favorite moment, oddly, was when Pacino’s character degraded O’Donnell, stating that finer men than O’Donnell had saluted him and he shouldn’t have insulted the act as he had–it seemed like a reasonable, humble assessment of the kid and not a rash, scalding reprimand. It is refreshing to be reminded that we aren’t all astronauts, capable of anything we put our mind to, actually not ‘better than all the rest’ as Tina Turner would have us believe. Go rent the Turner record and skip this doozy.

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