Adventureland (1/5)
Posted on 3 Sep 2009
The most overrated film I’ve seen this year; high 80s on Rotten Tomatoes. This is how the film came to be: hey guy, lets make a retro 80s pic in a theme park! Ya, and we can play Falco and drive a Gremlin. Then they proceeded to phone in a pathetic dramedy script with cardboard characters and annoyingly short scenes. I think it goes from day-to-night-to-day at the theme park over 200 times. Tedium. And, aping Michael Cera does not, a leading man make.
The Chiz
15 Sep 2009 (14:08)
Sign me up for a 90’s dramedy, where we listen to grunge rock, wear us some plaid, drive around in a Ford Bronco II, and wonder if we’ll make it to Lollapalooza on time.