The firehose.

Posted on 19 Mar 2009

I’ve been reviewing the films I watch now and thought that blogging them was just as good a place as any. Forgive the firehose of posts there, this is my work from January to present. These days I’m less driven by my borderline faith so I figured why not make value out of my movie-a-night trend that has marked post-graduate life. I nearly resolutioned to not watch any film that had a Rotten Tomato score under 60, but that didn’t last long. I haven’t quite figured if I like bad films when I’m depressed or bad films depress me. I don’t much care which is which when my spirits dip; January is always a gutter and I certainly hit the bad film pipe on more than one occasion. I expect to include spoilers in my reviews; consider yourself warned.

1 Reply to "The firehose."

  • Kj
    19 Mar 2009 (22:24)

    Sounds like you need to watch “Stand By Me”

    it cures all ills

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