I could sing of your love forever.
Posted on 1 May 2007
A member of the worship team approached me after a delightful service this past week and preemptively deadpanned, “I know it isn’t about the experience, BUT, I really enjoyed—-”
“Wait wait wait!!!” I interjected, “not about the experience? Not about how you feel? Why are you doing this then?” Ok, I wasn’t that hard on him, but I’m starting to run up against this “worship experience guilt” quite often now and I’m just gonna call the shit out when I see it.
If we really believe that worship isn’t about the delight in the experience then what is it? Our time to cheer up a lonely God, maybe repent a bit, or get cajoled into dancing–it’s foolishness I know. Certainly, corporate worship should not serve as ecstasy, which simply fosters escapism and loss of heart, however one of the integral points of the experience is to feel something, is it not? That feeling should be a response to beauty and truth; lead us to more heart. I suppose I should be grateful when those of us steeped in consumerist, narcissistic, ego massage culture are predisposed to trash personal enjoyment of the sacred, but I’m not.
To be avoided:
1. marked by or accomplished with a careful pretense of seriousness or calm detachment; impassive or expressionless.
2. displaying no emotional or personal involvement.
“Hosea in C Minor“
The Chiz
2 May 2007 (01:11)
Methinks the member has over-concerned himself with everything EXCEPT reveling in the beauty and wonder of a God so incredible. He also might need a reminder that, while technically polite, it is not necessary to defend God or assume public defender duties; it is so much better to follow hard after God rather than playing the reluctant apologist all the time. God wants you following close behind Him, but He can get His own “Back”…
Thanks for the cup check.
3 May 2007 (16:40)
i was really blessed this past sunday as well. loved the arrangements, the creativity, the feeling of the sound, and that i didn’t notice the technicality (which was beautiful) as much as the heart behind it all. and yes, the experience was wonderful because it- even if just for a few chords- brought me closer to god.
4 May 2007 (13:35)
“If we really believe that worship isn’t about the delight in the experience then what is it?”…I’m going think about this for awhile, I’ll get back to you…
31 May 2007 (03:50)
if there is no room for delight through the experience of worship, then there is no room for pleasure in anything.